Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Over the counter orthotics in diabetics?

I saw a patient today who received orthotics, or insoles, from a shoe store. She was told that these were "custom"; however, there was really nothing "custom" about them! They were not prescribed by a podiatrist, and the material was not accomodative and instead quite rigid and uncomfortable. And the worst part about it was... the shoe store had labeled the orthotics wrong! The left foot orthotic was in the right shoe, and vice versa. Thank goodness there were no immediate ill effects with the wrong orthotics in the wrong shoe, but this could be potentially detrimental.
So, bottom line... when choosing orthotics, there are several things to keep in mind as a diabetic. The best option is really custom made orthotics made per your prescription from a podiatrist. This way, you know that your podiatrist has done a thorough exam and has accounted for all the issues with your foot, including possibly bony deformities and diabetic neuropathy, which will prevent you from getting sores. In addition, your doctor can determine if diabetic shoes are for you in addition to the custom insoles. Another option if the custom orthotics are not possible is a good semi-custom orthotic that can be purchased and accommodated by your podiatrist. The most important thing is to get your feet examined and checked often, in order to stave off potential foot problems.

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