Sunday, April 10, 2011

Choosing the Right Shoes - Diabetes or Not

Often times patients ask how to chose the right shoe. As a diabetic, these questions should be included and addressed during your periodic diabetic foot checks with your podiatrist. At these checkups, your podiatrist will do a series of tests during the examination to determine the need for a specific diabetic shoe, which is available by prescription, or if a certain type of shoe is better than another. If it is determined that you are not at risk for further problems, then you are able to buy retail shoes without a prescription.
Here are some hints to follow:
-Choose a stretchy material that will be forgiving on the feet.
-Shoes should be fitted in the afternoon. Many times your feet will swell more throughout the day and they may fit tighter.
-Have your feet sized every time you buy shoes. You may think you are one size because you " always have been," but you may be surprised at what you may find.
-If the shoe is not comfortable at the store, it will not change and become comfortable later.
- If one foot is slightly bigger than the other, then purchase the bigger size.
- The toe box should be roomy enough for you to be able to wiggle your toes
- The fit should be snug enough at the heel so that there is no slippage or gapping
If you still have questions, consult your podiatrist! Often times even the questions answered at the visit can guide you in the right direction.

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